
FULDA RETTmobil 2022 - After the flood disaster in the Ahr valley Ahrtal: "Sirens are in demand again!"

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Publisher: OSTHESSEN|NEWS" |


Mistakes are made, but the important thing is to learn from them!" - this also applies to the flood disaster in the Ahr valley last year. Exhibitors and visitors at RETTmobil 2022 in Fulda are discussing the environmental disaster a lot these days. OSTHESSEN|NEWS spoke to the former head of the Fulda fire department, Thomas Hinz, about this topic. Today, the Chief Fire Officer is the head of the professional fire department in the state capital of Kiel.

"In a crisis situation like the one in the Ahr Valley, human errors happen. That is completely normal. But technology has also failed at one point or another. Now it's about finding solutions," explains Hinz. "For me, it's about: if something has gone wrong that you have developed and the practitioners then realize that it doesn't work at all - then you have to think about how you can make the infrastructure safer. We need tried-and-tested technology, especially for private volunteering."

"Private commitment is important!"

In a crisis, however, people are not only dependent on professional fire departments and large aid organizations, but also on private commitment. "Volunteering is what sets Germany apart from other countries. It is a supporting pillar in the functionality of our society." But where are the problems? "Hundreds wanted to help, but they couldn't find a central point of contact. As an emergency response organization, we have to learn to bundle and manage these streams of helpers," explains the expert. This is a major challenge, but essential.

Modular siren control receiver

"We weren't warned early enough!" criticized the many people affected in the Ahr valley. Warning systems, such as the "NINA" app, are nowhere near as widespread as had been hoped. And sirens from the 1950s have been dismantled in many places. But what can be done to warn citizens in good time when the next storm hits?

Nikolaus Pastillé from abel&käufl has developed a MoWaS (Modular Warning System) - a kind of modern siren that integrates analog radio switching receivers into the digital environment and thus enables the switch to digital BOS alerting. "Depending on the federal state, either the state, the district or the municipality purchases these sirens," he explains. However, it is not possible to give a general answer to the question of costs.

Author: (nb) +++ 

Electronic siren on roof
Alarm systems in demand again after flood disaster